Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Did ACORN give the North Carolina mother who sold her 5 year old daughter into prostitution legal advice?

On how to avoid the law and how to run her ';business';?

ACORN has a history of helping prostitution rings you know.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnew鈥?/a>Did ACORN give the North Carolina mother who sold her 5 year old daughter into prostitution legal advice?
Good Question

Here is a related video on that very subject.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fO3mMi5oo鈥?/a>Did ACORN give the North Carolina mother who sold her 5 year old daughter into prostitution legal advice?
Yes, as a matter of fact they did and proudly admit to it.

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