Monday, August 23, 2010

My sister got caught smoking and now she has to go to court... I need some legal advice!?

She is 17 years old.My sister got caught smoking and now she has to go to court... I need some legal advice!?
No reputable person would give you legal advice when 1. You haven't given your area and 2. You haven't told us what the charge is.

My only advice, and if anyone else says otherwise then take what they say with a grain of salt, is to contact a lawyer in your area.My sister got caught smoking and now she has to go to court... I need some legal advice!?
Got caught smoking what?? Illegal stuff, cigarettes??
Shame on her!
Hi ,

ask your sister to plead guilty , she will be let off considering her age and will be summoned to do some social service..

Smoking is not illegal.

Buying cigarettes at 17 is - but Im guessing the person who sold them to her would have more to worry about.

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