Thursday, August 19, 2010

Reccomendations on locations for legal advice regarding action taken against internet stalkers?

My scenario is this: were a civilian, non-law enforcement person in the US, specifically in the state of Texas, to pose as an underaged boy or girl in internet chat rooms for the purpose of luring paedophiles into jail to make a catch, would there be any possible legal action available against him?

I have heard that since I am 19, he could not actually be prosecuted since he did ';nothing wrong'; (in that I'm legal) but is this the case? I've also heard this rebuffed in that he was soliciting a minor (or what he believed to be one) and thus could be found guilty.

I don't want your personal opinions; I would like directions to someone that could perhaps provide legal advice in regards to this matter--preferably free of charge. Short of that, I would appreciate the non-liable legal opinions (not advice) of those qualified to give them--just no baseless personal opinions please.Reccomendations on locations for legal advice regarding action taken against internet stalkers?
There was a show on MSNBC sometime early this morning where the same scenario was played out. The charge against the pervert was INTENT to molest a minor or something close to that. I was half asleep.Reccomendations on locations for legal advice regarding action taken against internet stalkers?
I HELLBENT just want to know if your last name is feet.

Hans Feet

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