Thursday, August 19, 2010

Legal advice in regards to contesting an order or ';initiating order';..can i do this by myself or lawyer?

can final orders placed under duress one year ago be revoked without lawyer representation?an order in regard to children has been altered and filed,can his also be changed through a form?Legal advice in regards to contesting an order or ';initiating order';..can i do this by myself or lawyer?
It seems that you have a serious legal question. Why not go to a real lawyer for this? If your concern is the cost, check out Prepaid Legal. It only costs about $25 per month and you can cancel anytime.Legal advice in regards to contesting an order or ';initiating order';..can i do this by myself or lawyer?
Honestly, I'd say you should use A Lawyer if its in regards of a child cause since it is to deal with a child rghht? If you mess it up what happens next??

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