If somebody was to offer professional advice via this site and it all turns out to be wrong, what are the legal implications if any?Are there any potential legal ramifications from proferring advice on Yahoo Answers?
There is an argument that the answerer could be held legally liable under a negligence theory if some foreseeable harm resulted from their giving less than complete information (and giving complete information is basically impossible for any complex subject).
But, the defense would be ';assumption of the risk'; by the other person,Are there any potential legal ramifications from proferring advice on Yahoo Answers?
Not much liability really, but there is some.
If you lie about a product or service, you could be sued by the provider of that product or service.
That has happened in business chat rooms, people have been sued by corporations for out right falsehoods.
But is is usually blatant attempts to hurt a product or service that results in litigation.
i would hate to think that anyone would take any advice on here that serious
Yahoo Answers is just a discussion forum where everybody gets to voice their own opinion about how you can go about resolving a legal problem. How you choose to use the information from this site is ultimately up to you. However, Nobody should not be responsible for posting their thoughts and recommendations on how to resolve legal problems. if you are professional attorney and you know how the legal system works. By all means, Just say what your professional opinion is.
Anytime you are dealing with the law you should always discuss your options with an attorney no matter what.
the person who follows the advice will be responsible as the advice received is not against consideration for tendering the advice by a professional.
None, unless you professed to be a ';professional'; in that field and took compensation.
Wow, if someone is seriously taking yahoo answers too serious to the point of law. They NEED A LIFE... Come on yahoo answers is fun and all but if you have an actual law question.. who SHOULD you see? Ummm DUH a Lawer!!!!
YA is simply a forum for people to express their personal opinions or viewpoints on a given subject. no one, who has a grasp on reality, would assume that it for free legal or medical advice in lieu of professional advice.
people are really just looking for a way to vent their feelings or opinions and everyone knows that and realize that YA gives them the opportunity to do so.
I agree wholehartedly with Coragrphy. Besides, most of those who are of a legal profession that enter here state in their profile that it is only their opinion and should not be taken as legal advice.
enter at your own risk!!!
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