i have been separated from my defacto since last july. i was still married to another woman,m in which i fully own one property and have a rental property which has a mortgage on it this woman is now put a caviot on the rental property seeking compensation under the new defacto law but we were split up way before the law come in. where do i stand and how do i9 remove the caviot.Seeking legal advice when seperated under new defacto law act?
You're going to need a lawyer.
If you were still legally married to someone else, then you never had a de facto marriage with the latest woman.
Whether Lesbian or normal, de facto or celebratory, no marriage can be formed while another marriage still exists. If you and your last partner did things, financial or tax-related, on the assumption that you were in a de facto marriage, then there may be entanglements that could end up being expensive.
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